To date, our company has implemented more than 150 Russian and international projects for the organization of industrial communication systems in the oil and gas, metallurgy, nuclear, mining, chemical and defense industries, as well as in the transport infrastructure of the country.


Kirov CHPP-3

Kirov CHPP-3 is the central heating and power plant within the power company TGK-5. It is the only heat supply source for Kirovo-Chepetsk, the second largest city in the Kirov Region.


Project Tasks:

  • Organization of the DECT radio communication system and the operative engineering communication system;
  • Integration with the existing telephone and command and search system at the enterprise.


Implementation Results

Our company’s engineers have achieved successful integration of communication equipment of various types and manufacturers, organized a unified system of operative engineering communication and public address.

The following systems are built:

  • Operative telephone communication;
  • Dispatching public address and general alarm;
  • Warning System;
  • DECT radio communication system and its integration with the existing operative engineering communication system.

The connection to the existing system of telephone command and search communication based on the Minicom equipment has been realized.

LUKOIL- Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez


LUKOIL-Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez, Ltd. is one of the leading enterprises in Russia with an installed petroleum processing capacity of 17 million tons per year. This is the fourth place in the country and the first in PJSC LUKOIL.


Project Tasks:

  • Project development for building a decentralized communication system and transfer of production management to the Unified Operator’s Room;
  • Stage-by-stage expansion of the project in connection with the construction of new processing areas; work with fire or security automatics.


Implementation Results

Our company’s engineers have installed a comprehensive system of industrial public address and dispatching communication equipment based on digital communication systems.

 The complex system of the following communication types is organized:


  • Two-way loudspeaking engineering communication;
  • Operative dispatching communication;
  • Public address;
  • Fire alarms;
  • Civil defense and emergency situations warnings;
  • Teleconference;

The connection to the PBX and the radio communication system.

Kurumoch International Airport


Kurumoch International Airport is the largest and most promising airport in the Volga Region of federal importance. It is located at the intersection of major transport routes, has a developed infrastructure and is considered as a hub in the currently formed basic airport network in Russia.


Project Tasks:

• Reconstruction of the existing technologically outdated public address and general alarm system in the international arrival terminal;

• Providing the dispatching communication and public address system to the technical staff of the basic center of the Central Volga Air Navigation branch in the Samara regional center of the unified air traffic management system of the Russian Federation;

• Construction of the dispatching communication system in the new passenger terminal.


Implementation Results

The solutions offered by our company made it possible to implement all functions, including specific functions, such as the development of a special dispatching console with an omnidirectional microphone, which allowed the airport staff to communicate while following the work screen.

The following features are implemented:

  • Dispatching communication system;
  • Public address and general alarm system;
  • Connection to the PBX;
  • Work with fire or security automatics;
  • Broadcast of dispatching and alarm message signals;
  • Background music broadcast;
  • Operators’ conversations recording system;
  • Teleconference;
  • Cooperative work of the airport services and the ATC using the Megafon voice communication system is organized.


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